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9 Week Online Womb Awakening

♢ Acknowledging Yourself As A Divine Channel ♢ Elemental Alchemy ♢ Primal Symbology of the Subconscious ♢ Multi-Dimensional Consciousness of Gaia ♢ Cosmic Womb of the Great Mother ♢ New Moon Maiden 

Full Moon Lover ♢ Dark Moon Crone ♢ Unity Consciousness ♢



On this journey you will open your womb space as a Chanel for the divine, so you may receive your truest essence. Unlocking the door to your inner symbology and receiving both the earth and the cosmos as your Mother. Initiating the Elemental Womb Wheel you will create a new relationship with the powers of nature. Reconnecting yourself to the grid of life that surrounds us, allowing yourself to reconnect to the natural rhythms of existence. We explore our innate connection to the Lunar Goddess as we heal and embody her archetypes within us. Creating a greater trust and understanding of our cyclical powers, bringing intention and awareness into the process of conception, birth, death and rebirth. Discover a unique calling whilst reconnecting to the Source that unites us all.


Remember your power is the fire within you that sparks your souls truest desires. 


 WEEK 1 ♢ Acknowledging Yourself As A Divine Channel ♢


Live Opening One - One Ceremony 

Initiating Temple Space & Personal Altars 

Twin Caves of the Throat & Yoni 

Morning Practices for Opening Your Channel

Throat Chakra Healing 


 WEEK 2 ♢ Elemental Alchemy ♢ 


Weekly theme transmission & activation

Introducing the Womb Medicine Wheel 

Element Archetypes 

Sound Journey Earth

Sound Journey Fire 

Sound Journey Air 

Sound Journey Water

Explore gift element



 WEEK 3 ♢ Primal Symbology of the Subconscious ♢


Weekly theme transmission & activation

Sacred bridge of Communication 

Menstruation the original shamanic journey 

Intuitive language of symbols

Somatic Womb Release 

Creating a moon blood symbol 

Plant Teacher Connection 



WEEK 4 ♢Multi- Dimensional Consciousness of Earth ♢


Weekly theme transmission & activation

Descent into Earth Womb

Sacred Birth & Death 

Descending Sexual energy 

Healing art of surrender

Activating the Sacral Crown 

Energetic Umbilical cord ceremony  



 WEEK 5 ♢Cosmic Womb of the Great Mother♢ 


Weekly theme transmission & activation

Reconnecting to our essence 

Celestial Guides 

Multi-dimensional  Beings 

Medicine Plant Teachers 

Creating a space to connect our personal guides 




 WEEK 6 ♢New Moon Maiden ♢ 


Weekly theme transmission & activation

Virgin Archetype

Womb Regeneration

Healing our Innocence 

Energetic Womb Cleansing 

Germinating Seed of Creation

Self healing with the white rose 


 WEEK 7 ♢ Full Moon Lover ♢ 


Weekly theme transmission & activation

Mother Archetype

Womb Conception

Shakti Activation

Lighting the flame of passion 

Devotional Pleasure Ceremony with Red Rose 



 WEEK 8 ♢Dark Moon Crone ♢


Weekly theme transmission & activation

Womb Shedding

Magi Archetype

Psychic red tent 

Destroying old patterns 

Rebirth Ceremony 


 WEEK 9 ♢Unity Consciousness ♢ 


Live Closing One - One Ceremony 

Shadow work 

Sacred Duality 

Unique part of the whole

 Series Includes:


Weekly content includes :

 Guided Meditations 

Vocal Toning

Voice Activation

Mantra Singing 

Creating an inner womb garden

Aura Cleansing 

Guided Shamanic Journeys 

Sound Journeys

Self Curated Rituals 

Rose Ceremonies 

Lunar Cycle syncing 


We will open and close your journey together in a live online ceremony. You will receive your content weekly with a personal check in who that I can follow your progress as you flow deeper and deeper into The Descent.


It is also possible to b 



Self Investment £666

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